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Dec 6, 2019

What does rodeo and yoga have in common? How does one become a barrel racer if one does not grow up on a ranch? What is starry night yoga? Answers to these, and many other existential questions of our time, when Justin and Shawn sit down with Sierra Zowada. 

WYLD WEST: The Podcast about the Icons and Outlaws of Sheridan, Wyo.

WYLD WEST is a bi-weekly podcast about the icons and outlaws of Sheridan, Wyo. Hosts Shawn Parker and Justin Stroup bring to life the hidden history, tentpole events, charming characters and tall tales of the legendary mountain town steeped in a century of frontier history. Relying on absolutely zero experience as podcasters or radio personalities, Shawn and Justin bring a raw, upbeat, positive vibe to all things WYLD WEST.